Snails and tattered polyculture

In order to improve the economic benefits and biological conversion of cultured snails, methods of polyculture between snails and clams are currently used in many places. Using this method of raising, can increase the production of cockroaches and snails at the same time. This is because the excrement of the brown cloud agate snail is rich in organic matter in the midgut and can be used as a good food for clams. According to calculations, on average, 32.75 grams of screw weight was produced, and about 1.5 grams of manure was discharged within 1 day, while the young screw with a screw weight of 0.45 grams had about 0 excretion within 1 day. . 09 grams. The use of mixed culture not only makes full use of the organic matter and food residues in the snail's excrement, but also eliminates the need for weekly cleaning of the soil from the sweeping tanks and manure in the pool.

In addition, according to tests conducted in places such as Guangdong, although the brown agate snail can eat clams, but in the case of ample feed, it will not invade the potential earthworms, and there is no mutual killing. In the process of polyculture, the growth and reproduction of the two are relatively normal, and they grow better than a single-feeding snail.

The ratio of brown agate snails to cockroaches is basically clear and digestible of the snail's excrement. The growth of both is better than normal. In polyculture, the amount can be calculated by weight. The ratio of snails and clams is generally from 11:1 to 15:1. At the beginning of breeding, the number of crickets can be reduced. Because in the process of polyculture, cockroaches will also grow and reproduce. Therefore, during the breeding process, the growth and reproduction of snails and cockroaches should be considered, and the proportions should be adjusted at any time. If you find that the excrement is too much, you can remove some of the plutonium and replace some of the new soil. Recently, some farmers have also carried out integrated breeding on the basis of polyculture between snails and snails. It is to cultivate the alfalfa by using the residue left after the cultivation of the mushroom as a feed for alfalfa, and then cultivate the snail in the feed bed of the alfalfa. The snail's excrement and the remaining food residue are also feed for alfalfa, and the excrement of clams has become a premium organic fertilizer for crops and flowers. Mushrooms, cockroaches, snails, crops and flowers have formed a small cycle of comprehensive utilization of biological resources, which can further increase economic efficiency.

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